We want everyone to remember these games and the revolution they started. After Pac-Man was introduced it wasn’t long before every restaurant, every bar, food court, arcade and pizza joint had the original “25 cents Per Play” coin-operated PAC-MAN – followed by Ms. PAC-MAN, Snake, Mortal Kombat, and scores of others. I was hooked! PAC-MAN, and the many wonderful games that followed, captivated this country (and eventually the world) with their crazy sounds and mysterious motion with increasingly difficult levels of play. They might seem a bit simple by today’s standards, and they certainly are. Still I am willing to wager 25 cents that you’ll play a game or two and you will love it all over again.
Video Games came close to massively disrupting the Pin-Ball Machine industry and it is no small industry. Pin-Ball manufacturers quickly figured out how to survive. They needed to BLEND their mechanical flippers and gravity powered games with video, computers, and digital sounds.. and yes… Increasingly Difficult Levels of Play. Brilliant idea and brilliantly successful — even today there is hardly any substitute for the modern Pin-Ball machine.
“PAC-MAN, and the many wonderful games that followed, captivated the country (and eventually the world) with it’s sound and motion and increasingly difficult levels of play”

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